Church of Saint-Jacques-le-Major
   Photo: Church of Saint-Jacques-le-Major

Catholic church of Saint-Jacques-le-Major (St. James the Elder), more known as the Church of Jesus - is one of those gems that are hidden in the maze of streets of Old Nice. Tourist winds through it and suddenly enters the area of ​​Jesus - a very small, barely fit her restaurant, a shop, a bakery. But the first thing he sees a tourist - who grew up in front of him suddenly spectacular temple sirenevato blue.

The church on the site began to build the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) in 1612. A rich merchant of Nice donated money for the construction of the Jesuit college (his first stone was laid here in 1607). For several years the Jesuits bought the house around to fit not only the college but also the chapel of Jesus. Most of the work on the temple, the draft of which is likely to belong to the Nice architect Jean-André Guibert, ended in 1650. It is believed that it was the first in a nice example of the baroque style, after which the city developed this architectural revolution - is seen by the numerous Baroque facades of the old quarters.

However, during the Society of Jesus in Nice is now coming to an end - at the Jesuits were suppressed, in 1773, Pope Clement XIV abolished the Order, and a year later the Jesuits were expelled from the city. In 1814 the Jesuit Order was restored, but the fate of the former chapel of Jesus is not affected - it has already become the parish church of St. James.

Apostle James, who is now dedicated to the temple, often referred to as a senior, to emphasize that it is the elder brother of John the Apostle and Evangelist. Because the church and bears the name of Saint-Jacques-le-Major.

The facade, converted in 1825, was baroque, although some traits acquired neoclassical style. Corinthian pilasters, typical Palladian window, flower garlands in Mannerist spirit, statues in niches bas triangular pediment, and the combination sirenevato-blue walls with pale yellow trim - all together looks very attractive.

The bell tower of the simple brick height of 42 meters is only visible from the neighboring street Croix (Cross). It is necessary to go there to look at the unusual dome - it is covered by typical Nice multicolored tiles, but the shape resembles a funny cocked.

Inside the church it is surprisingly large. I admire the splendor of the interior, typical of the baroque style: rich decor, sculpture, gilding. There are more than 160 images of angels and cherubs. Summary of the nave is decorated with frescoes, made in the XIX century by drawings of the Nice artist Hercule Trashelya and tells about the life of Christ and the Apostle James.

One of the most impressive parts of interior decoration of the church - a statue of the Virgin Mary in the chapel of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. The Virgin Mary is depicted with a dagger in the heart, which refers to the Gospel of Luke: "And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel and for a sign spoken against - and you a sword will pass soul - but thoughts of many hearts will be opened "(Luke 2: 34-35).

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