Wall Street
   Photo: Wall Street

Wall Street - one of the most attractive streets of New York. It is small, but this beats the pulse of the world money, gain power and financial empires crumble.

The street length of only 1,100 meters in the south of Manhattan, between Trinity Church and South Street. The origin of its name dispute, according to one version it is here in the XVII century earth defensive shaft located on the northern border of Dutch New Amsterdam. The street along the shaft called in Dutch "de Waal Straat."

Commercial and financial nature street found at about the same time: in 1711 there appeared the first official city market, which traded slaves. Developed and civilized business here: the local sycamore going traders trade securities. In 1792, under a tree was signed Battonvudskoe agreement marked the beginning of the New York Stock Exchange.

The growing business potential of the street meant the growth of its popularity. In 1789, the first US president, George Washington took the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall, the first of the US Capitol. It also accepted the Bill of Rights - ten amendments to the Constitution, to establish the basic rights and liberties of Americans.

After the Civil War, New York became the banking capital of the country. In 1884, journalist Charles Henry Dow began to track the stock prices of eleven large companies - so was born the Dow Jones index. Five years later, a report of the Dow turned to newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" - today it is one of the most influential business newspaper in the world.

The stock market crash in 1929 caused a panic on Wall Street: the crowd of investors and shareholders are mad near the stock exchange and banks, there was a wave of suicides. The financial sector has recovered only after the Second World War, the most powerful impetus to the development of Wall Street has given its policy of President Reagan tax cuts.

Local skyscrapers - the highest in the city, the street at times resembles a narrow canyon. The most famous building of the Wall Street - the old church of the Holy Trinity, a skyscraper on Wall Street, 14 at the corner of Broad Street (he crowned likeness of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus), Federal Hall, which now houses the National War Memorial, New York Stock Exchange, skyscraper Trump. In that part of the street where cars are allowed to drive, its width barely enough for a single lane. But since 2011 in this tiny space from time to time event, the fight with police adherents protest movement "OkkupayUoll Street."

It magically turned the street in their works writers Herman Melville, William Faulkner, Tom Wolfe. There craved success protagonist Charlie Sheen starred in Oliver Stone's "Wall Street." And in the third "Die Hard" criminals through the destruction of the metro station "Wall Street" got into the cellars of the Federal Reserve Bank and took away the gold tipper truck. But Bruce Willis, of course, ruined their plans.

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