Charging bull
   Photo: charging bull

Sculpture "charging bull" in the tiny square of Bowling Green near Wall Street extraordinarily popular. Appeared here recently, it instantly became one of the main symbols of New York.

Bull carved in the late eighties of the XX century sculptor Arturo Di Modica. The impetus for the creation of the statue has become an economic crisis.

On Monday, October 19, 1987 collapsed the stock markets of the Old and New Worlds. Economic storm accompanied by a disaster of a different kind: Britain covered the powerful hurricane in the Gulf Iranians and Americans exchanged missile strikes. The world embraced anxiety. It is in this setting Di Modica decided to create a sculpture that would symbolize optimism, energy, the irresistible force and the pursuit of prosperity.

Well suited for this statue of a bull. The description of the Exchange, the foundations of capitalism, occupy a special place of two mighty figures of animals: a bear and bull. "Bears" are called traders to sell short securities, earning their fall. "Bulls" is interested in the growth of the value of securities, the result of their efforts - the rise of the market. Creating his "charging bull", Di Modica expressed confidence in the strength of the American people who will overcome any crisis.

Bronze statue got a huge 3, 4 meters high and almost 5 meters in length. Muscles napruzhineny a furious animal, tail curved nostrils inflated. Sculpture weighs more than three tons. Cast its author with his own money, spent 360 thousand dollars.

On the morning of December 15, 1989 Di Modica brought the bull to Manhattan and eight minutes (as long as there was no police patrols) crane to erect under the Christmas tree near the New York Stock Exchange. Permits for the installation was not - it was for sculptor act of "guerrilla art". Admire the bull came to the crowd. The police confiscated and took the sculpture, but the public demanded its return. As a result, the bull stood just south exchange on Bowling Green snout to Broadway.

The sculpture is still the property of the author, but now it is lawful - the city gave special permission. This is one of the most photographed sites in New York. Movement "OkkupayUoll Street" has produced the famous propaganda poster: the ominous bronze bull dancing ballerina.

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