An artificial waterfall and a lake Psyrtsha
   Photo: Artificial waterfall and lake Psyrtsha

An artificial waterfall and a lake Psyrtsha - this is one of the main attractions of the city of New Athos. History is located in the center of an artificial waterfall is directly related to the New Athos Monastery, founded by Russian monks in 1875. Today it is the largest religious building of the Caucasus.

The waterfall was formed in 1882 during the construction of arch dam by local monks. At the same time as a lake Psyrtsha, it is a small reservoir. Psyrtshinskaya HPP was one of the first hydroelectric power stations on the territory of Czarist Russia. The monks used the waterfall for different needs and purposes. For example, due to its wall of water, it was made special cellars and camera-type refrigerators.

Constructed by monks channels from the lake and the dam irrigated vegetable gardens and orchards of olive, orange, tangerine and lemon trees that stretched terraces down the hill, as the water from the waterfall fed to the brick factory, sawmill and a laundry room. On the dam were built two-storey stone mill and a bakery.

Currently, artificial waterfall is the main decoration of the central part of New Athos. Until recently, he represented the remains of the former hydroelectric power station, which for many years did not provide electricity. Today the building is deserted and empty, as in Soviet times, it has been completely looted. Restore the hydroelectric plant was only in 2012, and it only works for the needs of the New Athos Monastery.

But, despite this, the artificial waterfall attracts not only locals but also tourists. And all this thanks to the picturesque beauty and harmony of human labor and nature. The total height of the waterfall - 8, 6 m, and the length is 21 m.

Located right of the artificial waterfall stone stairs lead to a beautiful lake Psyrtsha. Not far from the waterfall is a famous temple Simon the Zealot, souvenir shop, a small café where you can taste the best Abkhazian wines.

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