Architectural and historical reserve "Old Nessebar"
   Photo: Architectural and historical reserve "Old Nessebar"

Architectural and historical reserve "Old Nessebar" is located in the old town, on the peninsula, the width of which is 350 meters, and the length does not exceed 850 meters. This area of ​​Nessebar - an architectural and historical reserve of national significance. Additionally, Old Nessebar was included in the UNESCO world cultural heritage of his.

The story of one of the oldest European cities - Nessebar - more than three millennia. In ancient times it was called Messambriya, and in the Middle Ages - Messembria. Numerous archeological finds show the rich history of the centuries-long edges, and some exhibits today exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of the city.

Since its inception, always surrounded by Nessebar walls, traces of which can be seen today. The first wall was erected by the Thracians in the VIII century BC, and in Vstoletii Greek colonizers added to them their fortifications. Of the buildings of this period are the most interesting fortress wall at the city gate, and another one was built in the early Byzantine era, is located on the southwest coast.

Since the adoption of Christianity by the Romans, and the capital was moved to Constantinople, in what was then Messembria actively build Christian churches. Church of St. Stephen dated to the interval from the XI to the XIII century, it is also known as "The New Metropolis", because here the whole Office has moved the head of the diocese.

Also worth mentioning is the other churches, museums, such as the Temple of St. Saviour in 1609, the church of St. Paraskeva XIII-XIV centuries, the Church of Christ Pantocrator XIII-XIV centuries, and the church of St. John, founded in the XIV century.

In the Old Town you can see the ruins of the early Byzantine baths, which were built in the period from VI to VIII century, and were later converted for housing and economic needs.

Within the reserve, in addition to the Archaeological Museum, there is the Ethnographic Museum, whose exhibits are exhibited in the family mansion Moskoyani. The museum's collections represent crafts and everyday life of residents of Nessebar as well as their national costumes.

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