Church of the Assumption in the village Varzuga
   Photo: Church of the Assumption in the village Varzuga

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - is the temple of the 17th century, located in the village of Varzuga the Terek region, located in the southeastern part of the Murmansk region. It is this church became one of the magnificent monuments of Russian wooden architecture and is a component part of a complex of monuments of the village Varzuga. It is noteworthy that the church is built without a single nail. If you look at the Church of the Assumption from afar, it seems that it is surprisingly perfect in its proportions and graceful. Silhouette Church blends harmoniously with the surrounding nature. It is important that all the constituent elements of the church look amazing in proportion, giving the monument of wooden architecture solemn and majestic appearance.

The first mention of the church can be found in the chronicles in 1563, though they did not exactly say. In Klirovye statements for 1674 it states that the Church of the Assumption was built in 1674 under the leadership of Master Clement, what happened under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. On the south wall of the church there was a wooden cross, which in 1985 was moved to one of the islands called High, which is 3 km from Varzuga, but our time this cross has not been preserved.

The construction of the church took place during the reform of the Church of the Great Russian Patriarch Nikon, as well as a large split believers - at this time the greatest number of inhabitants of Murmansk desperately struggled against all sorts of innovations. This fact was reflected in the church of the Assumption of the classic hip style, despite the fact that Nikon has banned the use of this technique.

Construction of the Assumption Church was carried out according to the principle of so-called "golden section". The church consisted of a quadrangular base, decorated as a pillar located in the center, and several adjoining pipes - thanks to this reception, church base has a shape of a cross in the form of a cross. The upper part of the church consists of vosmistennogo log house, tent, cervical dome and cupola, the wedding is done in the form of eight-pointed cross.

For the decoration of the temple have been used a variety of decorative elements, such as scales and kokoshnik - specially designed dome cover, as well as its foundation. The beauty of the church construction was achieved through the use of various kinds of carved pieces submitted window frames, columns krylechnymi, skates and barreled prichelinami and patterned end of the roof, framed in a lace top and bottom of the dome.

The total height of the church is 34 meters. Free space that is allocated to parishioners - 70 square meters. meters. After three years from the date of completion of construction work, the consecration of the iconostasis, which consists of 84 icons. Some of the icons has been written specifically for novovystroennoy church in 1677 when the painters Antony of Siya Monastery, and the other part was painted Solovetsk masters remained from the previous church are here.

The vast majority are not only experts in Russian wooden architecture, but also historians and researchers believe the temple of the Assumption of the most remarkable monuments of this kind, located in the Russian North.

During the years 1847-1848 the church were carried out small-caps repair work, while it has been redone and some parts trimmed planks. In 1860, the church iconostasis was updated; in the period from 1888 to 1895 it was conducted the largest in the history of the church repairs, which even has an inscription Zaborschikova Dmitry Afanasevicha - son of chief master - on the inside of a wooden board. In 1939, Assumption Church lost all its bells, which were removed and prepared for transport on the river bank, which never came, because the strong rush of water carried away the bells in the river. Return the bell so failed. In 1973, Assumption Church recognized monument of wooden architecture, after which it was again restored. Since 1996, the Church of the Assumption began again conducted the service.

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