Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
   Photo: Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

A small but incredibly graceful Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - a temple built of white stone and located in the Vladimir region, a few kilometers from the village Bogolyubovo. The Church is not only one of the many shrines of the Orthodox faith, but also an outstanding monument of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture.

In numerous literary sources believed to be the source of the most true to the founding date of the church, it is a historian NN Voronin, who pointed out in 1165. Voronin was based on the book, dedicated to the Life Bogolyubsky, stating that the construction of the church was made in honor of blessed memory Izyaslav Andreevich - the famous son of the deceased prince.

The church was consecrated in honor of the Protection of the Virgin Mary - a holiday, which is in the middle of the 12th century was celebrated in Russia under the initiative of the Bogolyubsky. Most likely, this is the first in Russia Church of the Intercession.

According to legend, described in the Life of St. Bogolyubsky, for the church has been specially selected white stone, which was brought from the Bulgarian kingdom. But this assumption is refuted by historical facts, as well as an analysis of paleontological stone used in the construction.

In the last years of the 18th century because of the small Church of the Intercession of income Bogolyubsky abbot of the monastery wanted to take it apart into components for the construction of the bell tower of the monastery, but it does not have enough money.

It is worth noting the fact that the location of the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God is unique, because the church building stands in the valley itself. Originally the church was a place near the confluence of the Nerl Klyazma, but today the channel of the rivers changed direction. The temple was located on the river is actually a crossroads, gracefully decorated crossroads of important trade waterways.

Church of the Intercession stands on a man-made hill. Fundam - ordinary relating to a tape type, and was laid at a depth of 1 to 6 m; Its height is 3, 7 meters. The walls were a continuation of the foundation and were completely covered with clay soil artificially created hill, which was lined with the help of white stone. It turns out that the foundation has been directed towards the depth of 5 meters - this technology helps to resist the high rise of the river.

So far, the well-preserved main volume represented more elongated along the line longitudinal axis Chetverikov. The size of the main volume is 8 to 7 m square at the side of the dome 3, 2 m. The temple has one chapter. The Church belongs to the cross-dome type is trehapsidnym, chetyrehstolpnym, one-headed and equipped arkaturno-columnar zone and unique portals. Temple wall - strictly vertical because artfully chosen proportions - that is why they look more inclined inward, creating the illusion of a high building. Is responsible for the interior pillars krestchatymi slightly narrowed to the top, which also creates the impression of a tall building.

Division of the southern and northern walls of the Church of the Intercession of asymmetrical and located on the eastern side of the fence - more narrow. It is worth noting that the sum of the width of the wall pryasel and projections on the sides of the apses, is effectively equal to the width of the middle wall pryasel, for which reason the total composition of the temple looks quite balanced on all sides. It is available mnogooblomnye pilasters, equipped with half-columns, which are located on the outside of the walls of the church and fully comply with existing internal vanes.

On the walls of the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin are carved reliefs. The central figure in the composite complex three facades is King David, the Psalmist, seated on a throne and wielding psaltery - This design includes the figures of lions, birds, and some women's mask. All of the original painting of the church has been completely lost in 1877.

Today, many researchers have noted an unusual elegance forms church Intercession on the Nerl, which classifies it with dignity to the most beautiful Orthodox churches.

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Church of the Intercession on the Nerl