Cathedral of St. Thomas
   Photo: St. Thomas

The very first Anglican Church of India in Mumbai is considered the Cathedral of St. Thomas (St. Thomas), created in 1718. This temple was built in order to maintain morality and spirituality of the British population of India, his "moral standards", which at that time significantly "reduced", firstly because of the distance from the "puritanical homeland", and secondly because of the abundance of new impressions from a completely different culture.

Construction of the church was started in 1676 thanks to the protege of the British East India Company, the governor-general of the city of Bombay, formerly the former Portuguese colony, Gerald Aundzheru. In addition to the church, because of him appeared in Bombay hospital, the courthouse and many other necessary administrative buildings. But forty years later, the opportunity to finalize the construction of the temple, when it took the chaplain Richard Cobb. The church was officially opened by Christmas 1718.

It acquired the status of a cathedral in 1837, and a year later, in 1838m, to the western part of the building was a tower with a large clock, which became the original card of the temple. Also, over time, the cathedral was rebuilt, especially after 25 years, to 1865, has been updated and expanded the main altar of the church. The whole temple is built in a colonial style, with gothic elements. Its tall, narrow windows are decorated with beautiful stained glass windows, the main hall is replete with high arches and carved panels. In addition, the territory of the church is a lot of graves of prominent and not so British generals starting and ending Noble Maidens.

In the 2000s, the Cathedral of St. Thomas drew the attention of UNESCO and in 2004 he received the award "for the preservation of cultural heritage in the Asia-Pacific region."

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