Afghan Memorial Church
   Photo: Afghan Memorial Church

Mumbai - is a huge city, crowded and noisy. There are very few quiet corners in which to hide from the bustle. It is in this quiet place is the church of St. John the Evangelist is located in the southern part of the city of Mumbai. It was built by the British in 1847, after the defeat of their armies in the First Afghan War of 1838-1943's, as a tribute to fallen soldiers, which is why it is called the Afghanistan Memorial Church. It is sustained in the Gothic style, and is a beautiful building with sharp spiers and tall narrow windows, decorated with intricate stained glass windows. Inside the church is quite dark, with lots of gothic arches and secluded villages. But it can be seen in the design and impact of Indian culture - on the walls there are patterns and ornaments in the national Indian style.

For the construction of the temple used the local limestone and basalt, but the tile, which laid mosaic patterns on the floor, was specially brought from Britain. The bells, which are installed in the bell tower, were also imported from England, and at the time considered one of the best in the whole of western India. The height of the bell tower with a spire is nearly 60 meters in the past, when the city does not have any skyscrapers and high-rises, it could be seen for many kilometers around. Therefore, the church served as a kind of reference point for the ships in the harbor.

Today Afghan Memorial Church is under the protection of the government, it is open to hikers and each week there are worship.

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