State Memorial Museum of A. Scriabin
   Photo: State Memorial Museum of A. Scriabin

State Memorial Museum of Scriabin is located in the heart of Moscow, near the Arbat, in the Grand Nikolopeskovsky alley. It is the only museum of the famous Russian composer in Russia.

The memorial museum is located in the apartment, where the composer spent his last years (from 1912 to 1915). In this apartment the composer lived with his common-law wife and three children. In 1922, their apartment was opened museum.

The apartment has retained the real situation, which has been preserved through the efforts of the composer's wife .  The exhibition consists of cabinet, living room, bedroom and dining room .  In the composer's personal library of many books with notes made by him .  The memorial hall of the exposition "Life and work of Scriabin" .  In the museum are kept personal letters Scriabin, his friends letters, manuscripts, concert programs, reviews about the composer .  Many photos reflect the image of the composer at different ages, the appearance of his family and friends, most - known cultural figures of the time .  In the apartment there were Bulgakov and Berdyaev, philosophers, artists and Sperling Pasternak, Meyerhold theater figures, UNC, Tairov .  Symbolist poets - K .  Balmont, Viacheslav .  Ivanov, Yu .  Baltrušaitis and many others .  The museum has a music library, which contains the recording of Scriabin's musical compositions .  It records the author's execution of works and performances by the best musicians and interpreters: Neuhaus, Sofronitsky, Feinberg and others . 

The museum regularly hosts concerts, the program which works by Scriabin and other composers. Spend an evening recording, celebrate events and memories in the evening. The library research papers on the work of Scriabin, memories of the composer, as well as books on art.

Since 1961, the museum works by Scriabin experimental studio, which was founded by the inventor of the synthesizer sound photoelectron EA Mazurin. The inventor named synthesizer "ANS", in honor of Scriabin. The studio continues to work in the field of synthesis tsvetomuzykalny supposed owned Scriabin.

The uniqueness of the Scriabin Museum is that it serves as a living testimony of the Silver Age of Russian culture.

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