Paleontological Museum
   Photo: Paleontological Museum

Paleontological Museum named after Yuri Orlova - one of the largest natural history museums in the world. The history of the museum began with the Chamber of Curiosities, which in 1716 was founded by Peter I. received in the museum finds fragments of skeletons of prehistoric animals.

Modern building Paleontological Museum - a unique museum complex, built of red brick. The complex has a courtyard. The facade is decorated with round towers at the corners. The project is designed specifically for the Museum of Paleontology.

The exposition area of ​​the museum is about 5000 square meters. m. The rich, very interesting design exhibition halls, gives the opportunity to experience the mysteries of the past vremen.V six halls of the museum exhibits are arranged in series on the history of life on Zemle.Predstavlennye the museum exhibits - the work of several generations of paleontologists. They were going in Russia and its granitsami.Kazhdy exhibit has its own history.

In the first (introductory) hall visitors can see the skeleton of a mammoth. It is a symbol of Russian paleontology. The skeleton was discovered in 1842 in Siberia industrialist Trofimov. The skeleton was carefully brought to Moscow. It was a unique gift of Moscow Society of Naturalists.

Then follows a room Precambrian and Late Paleozoic, which introduces the most ancient organisms on Earth. Here on display plate on which there are prints and tracks of the ancient soft-bodied multicellular organisms. Their age is impressive. It is more 550 million years. In the suburban hall you can get acquainted with the geological history of the Moscow region. You can see the animals that lived in the Moscow region in different geological era.

In the hall of the Late Paleozoic is represented by the North Dvina gallery reptiles collected in the 1898-1914 biennium. Professor Amalitsky. Because of recent findings can be isolated plate with traces of reptiles - pareiasaur.

In the Mesozoic room you can see the skeletons and skulls of herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs. They were found on the territory of Mongolia's Soviet-Mongolian ekspeditsiey.V the same room is the largest exhibit - a cast of the skeleton of Diplodocus Jurassic of the United States. It was donated in 1913 by Tsar Nicholas II in the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. Of great interest are also skeletons of the flightless birds.

In the last room of the museum are exhibits that show the diversity of ancient mammals. Here you can see the skeleton of a gigantic hornless rhinoceros - paraceratherium, mastodon - gomphotherium, cave bears and deer polutorametrovy bolsherogogo horns. Ends exposition story of ancient people. There is exhibited with a cast of the skeleton of Australopithecus in Africa, as well as a stone with drawings of ancient people.

Museum of Paleontology - is not only a scientific and educational center, but interesting place families.

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