   Photo: fulnek

City fulnek located on the border of two historic regions of Czech - Moravia and Silesia. When it was founded, the scientists do not know. One thing is clear, it's happened before in 1293, when about fulnek mentioned in one of the chronicles.

The main attraction of the city, according to the compilers of guidebooks, is considered a solid lock, but the locals are willing to argue with that statement. They believed - and rightly so - that the most beautiful buildings of the city is the temple of the Holy Trinity, which kept real shrine - miraculous image of Our Lady of Fulnetskoy. He presented the Church grieving parents who have lost two years of two children in accidents. Almost 70 years after donation icon became exude myrrh, or cry. It saw the waiter, who offered up a prayer to the Virgin big church holidays. Three tears rolled from the eyes of the Virgin Mary. This miracle prompted citizens to create big beautiful temple with a small chapel where the miraculous image was stored. Since the temple was built a luxurious Baroque which we can see now.

Among other facilities, recommended for inspection, one can note the House of Unity Brethren. It is a religious organization, which was well-known educator John Amos Comenius, who spent three years in fulnek. In honor of this famous man it was created a museum exposition which is just placed in the House of Unity Brethren. This mansion consists of two parts: a chapel and residential houses, where Comenius stayed during his visit to this city.

The town also has a Gothic monastery complex, which belonged to the Augustinian Order.

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