Manor Grudinovka
   Photo: Manor Grudinovka

The estate of Count Tolstoy in the village Grudinovka was built at the turn of XVII-XIX centuries. At the heart of the beautiful English park of 10 hectares is a manor house with a high dome with a spire. In the lobby you can go up the front stairs. On the ground floor there is ceremonial and ballrooms, on the second - living room and office. On the second floor there is access to the two-storey semi-circular veranda.

Barton under Byhov received as a gift from the Empress Catherine II, Count Dmitry Tolstoy. He loved Grudinovku and equip their love nest, built not so smart, how charming, truly Russian manor house. Later, during the Napoleonic War, Dmitry became governor of Mogilev. He bequeathed to bury himself in his favorite Grudinovke that fulfilled his grateful descendants.

Last owner of the manor was Alexander G. Thick - philanthropist and education of women, which has built with his own money Ryzhkovskaya hospital, which invited the best doctors. In 1905, the Countess became a member of the organization department of Bykhov Red Cross. The countess died in exile and was buried in Paris in 1925.

Unfortunately, in our time, the house and the park are in disrepair. Despite the fact that the park is given the status of a monument of national importance in 1963, funds from the state to restore the landscape of the estate ensemble Grudinovka is not found. However, even in such poor condition, the manor is a unique monument of palace-park art.

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