Chapel Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky
   Photo: Chapel Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky

The Chapel, named after Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky, was built in the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries. The building built by Kletskaya type. As for appearance, the famous chapel is an elongated east-west rectangle. The horizontal axis of the structure is formed by two rectangular and raznoshirokimi framework. The most narrow connected with the chapel and the broader - with a porch that are almost back to back. Log cabin porch associated with the chapel by two beams, which are arranged transversely. The vertical compositional axis Chapel Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky formed hexagonal belfry, located directly above the vestibule.

The tent is based on single poles, made of circular section .  On the south side of the frame porch based on the boardwalk steps, performs the role of the vestibule, covered self-gable roof .  Log houses, located in the vestibule of the chapel are covered with a gable roof, and the northern slope overlooks the west facade and resembles in appearance polufronton that tightly cut into hexagonal bell tower .  Composite part of the cupola of the chapel supplement, in the shape of the bulb, and located on the ridge of the chapel and the tent .  Skat, which is located on the south side, directly abuts the perpendicular to the roof, the roof of the porch represents .  All along the southern wall of the log house right under the heavy weight of the roof arranged shop, located in the production of logs .  The distance from the floor to the ceiling of the chapel a little more than the same distance in the hall .  The main room of the Chapel Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky has three windows, one of which overlooks the northern part, while the other two - on the south side .  Lighting passage occurs due to the light coming from only one window on the south wall, and one on the west wall .  The base of the belfry done "in a paw" and log-hewn "in oblo" .

Roofing, located above the chapel of St. Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky Ptyanitsy, made of boards and has tackless design. Police and Belfry tent made of red planks. Ceiling design is based on a porch beam. With bulbous roof completely blocked the main room of the chapel on wheels.

As for the through-colored design space, we can say that he is very modest. For the most part it focuses on towels and prichelinah roof. Pricheliny themselves have only one tier of carving in the shape of deaf towns with side cutting across the field shape, reminiscent of the deaf clubs. Towel, located at the junction of prichelin and their hands carry the thread-like motif, reminiscent of equal-cross, which is inscribed in a circle. Trailing end prichelin and towels are made in the form Balyasnikov plank. The church iconostasis, unfortunately, not reached our days.

Building Chapel Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky held in two stages. During the first steps of building construction was realized odnosrubnoy Kletskaya construction. The second stage came Kletskaya dvuhsrubnaya building. Over the same period, it was built and Western framework, referring to the vestibule, and over the log cabin was built belfry. At the end of the 19th century the whole chapel was fully sheathed with boards, and its cupola are covered with special roofing iron. Throughout 1963, building restoration was conducted, during which has been removed old plank siding, largely reinforced the roof of the building and restored coating domes made their plowshares.

Cenis chapels were prostroen later that compares unfavorably with their novelty plank surface texture of the old log house. Chapel comfortable and safe shelter fence and densely firs from all sorts of weather and winds.

In autumn, not far from the chapel Paraskeva and Varlaam Khutynsky appear whole stack in a special sweet-smelling hay, and located near the marsh is brewing cranberries, cloudberries, and on the valley spreads a pleasant smell bogulnika. Broad Bench, located along the southern facade of the whole chapel invites you to relax in silence, leaning against the warm sun on a log.

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