Val Grande
   Photo: Val Grande

Val Grande - Europe's largest wildlife area, which spreads over an area of ​​14,598 hectares on the shores of Lake Maggiore to the southern Lepontine Alps. This is a real pristine "island" mountains and valleys with magnificent and breathtaking landscapes of mysterious, lost among the canyons, steep cliffs and impenetrable forests.

All this "wild" beauty was the result of the fact that in 1950-60-ies were abandoned many agricultural activities, which for hundreds of years earlier in these places people involved. Today, the landscape of Val Grande and its vegetation is characterized by an extraordinary richness and diversity. The most prominent in this regard Pogallo river valley, which is the source of the San Bernardino torrent right at the peak of Monte Toga (2301 meter).

Forest Val Grande mostly mixed deciduous and presented most often chestnut. In humid areas grow yews, and if you climb higher into the mountains, you can find black and gray alder, spruce, willow, poplar, Austrian oak, ash and beech are countless. Among the colors of its special beauty stand out alpine catchments, tulips and white rhododendrons. The forests roam chamois, deer, roe deer, foxes, badgers, weasels and martens, and soar high in the sky eagles and owls.

But the vast region of Val Grande is not only important for its unspoilt nature, and numerous historical monuments related to the millennial presence in these places human. Here you can see petroglyphs, abandoned huts, tunnels carved into the rocks for cattle and man-made terraces, chapel, accessories for transporting wood and charcoal treatment, fortifications ("Cadorna Line") and memorial plaques. In addition, in the southern part of the valley is Candolim quarry from which for six centuries mined marble for the construction of the world-famous Duomo in Milan.

The territory of the Val Grande laid a lot of expensive, some of which are accessible to all, and the other - only for experienced travelers - MALESKI, Rovegro di San Bernardino Verbano, Intragna, Premozello Kovenda.

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