Krasnodar Regional Art Museum
   Photo: Krasnodar Regional Art Museum

Krasnodar Regional Art Museum named after FA Kovalenko - one of the oldest art museums in the North Caucasus. The number of objects stored in the museum is about 12 million units, and there are works of Russian and foreign authors.

The basis of the collection fund of the museum collection was put FA Kovalenko, he handed over to the city in 1904. The collection FA Kovalenko was 730 paintings and 1,400 works of graphic art. It also contains rare books and objects of applied art. Later, IE Repin and other artists of the gallery presented their creations.

In its early years the museum was located in the premises of the City government. In the future, the City Council agreed to pay rent on the second floor of a separate building. In 1919, the art gallery moved into one Kuban-Black Sea regional museum named after AV Lunacharsky. In the 90 years the museum was named after FA Kovalenko.

After almost a hundred years after the opening of the museum was carried out major reconstruction of the building, which was completed in 2006. During the work it was restored in plaster moldings, upgraded color of the walls, renovated parquet and ceramic parts of the interior. Then was the opening of a new exhibition - "The Seasons."

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