Wawel Castle
   Photo: Wawel Castle

The first princely palace on Wawel Hill has appeared in X-XI centuries. At the initiative of King Casimir the Great, who reigned in the years 1333-1370, there has been erected the magnificent royal castle in the Gothic style, which remained Kuria foot tower. After a devastating fire in 1499 King Alexander and his brother Sigmund Old undertaken a thorough restructuring of the castle in the Renaissance style. So there was a huge palace-fortress in the Italian style, typical of a fortified palace.

Courtyard of the castle - one of the finest examples of Italian Renaissance style on Polish soil. The courtyard is framed by a garland triple galleries rhythmically separated lightweight design of alternating pillars, arches and balustrades. Each tier - of different heights, but the proportions are found very well. Slender columns of the first and second tiers of semicircular arches transformed into soft, flowing shapes in the spirit of the Renaissance. Surprisingly thin columns supporting the third floor of a huge canopy. On the walls of galleries fragments of murals of the XVI century. These are portraits of Roman emperors in medallions, floral designs and decorative compositions on classical themes. The south side also has an arcade courtyard and decorated with false windows.

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