Lermontov Waterfall
   Photo: Lermontov Waterfall

In the city of Kislovodsk, as well as in the surrounding area there is not one point of interest related to the name of the famous Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov who visited here in his childhood with his grandmother. One of these attractions is Lermontov Waterfall, located on the southern outskirts of Kislovodsk, in the valley of the river Olkhovka. The waterfall has a height of three meters, but it is very beautiful.

Lermontov Waterfall arose at the intersection of the river reservoir Lower Cretaceous limestones. Jets of water in free fall beautifully flies down from the flat ground, breaking on the rocks lying on the bottom of the waterfall, and scatter millions of glittering spray. Among the residents of the city there are rumors that this waterfall writer Lermontov mentions in his story "Princess Mary": this is where the main hero Pechorin after a walk in the mountains watered his black horse.

Lermontov can admire the waterfall from the top, standing on rocky ground, and went down and came very close to the sparkling waterways. The rocks near the waterfall has several domed caves. Also nearby waterfall is located on a well-known among tourists and vacationers sanatorium "Spring".

To get to the waterfall you can Lermontovsky from the center of the resort town, moving down the street Prudnoy or using the city bus.

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