Museum of Theater and Music in Ukraine
   Photo: Museum of Theatrical and Musical Arts of Ukraine

Museum of Theater and Music of Ukraine attracting tourists a real art, which is characterized by a modern view of the theater and music.

The exhibition in the museum is dedicated to the stunning history of the formation of the Ukrainian theater, all significant moments that shaped theater in Ukraine and contributed to its development. History of Theatre in the museum begins with the history of ancient folk ritual games, which is very important in today's world, where gradually lost even concepts such as rituals and traditions. Ends history of theatrical art at the beginning of the XX century.

To get to the museum, you will need to get to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, as the Museum of Theater and Music in Ukraine is on the territory of Lavra. This treasure trove of art history is located in a two-story building of the former hospital of the Lavra. The whole building has been given for this exposure. And in general, in this museum you can see about four thousand different exhibits.

Exhibition opens with three old nativity scenes (nativity scene - a traditional box, which houses a doll for Christmas play). Of particular interest are the exposure of creativity and way of life leading figures of the Ukrainian theater.

The second floor is a collection of Ukrainian musical instruments. Particular attention is paid to the history of instruments such as the harp, Kobza, hurdy-gurdy, bandura, cymbals.

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