Lakshman Temple
   Photo: Temple Lakshman

Lakshman Temple is located in Khajuraho - a small village of Madhya Pradesh, located in the heart of India. It is part of the famous temple complex, and refers to the Western Group of buildings. It is dedicated to one of the most important gods of the Hindu pantheon - Vishnu. But, like other temples of Khajuraho complex, Lakshman draws more tourists than pilgrims.

The temple is very old - its construction lasted about 20 years - from about 930 950 years. The initiator of the Lakshman temple became the ruler of the once powerful state Chandela Yasovarman.

The architecture of the temple is not much different from the architecture of the other buildings of the complex. Its main charm - in detail.

Lakshman stands on a kind of a high pedestal and has all the traditional "parts" of religious buildings of this type: small terrace, or as it is called Ardh-mandapa, mandapa - large pavilion with a colonnade to perform public rituals maha-mandapa - the main room is very large, antrala and Garbhagriha - small unlit room where is the main shrine of the temple.

The walls of the building is decorated with lots of small windows with balconies and elegant balustrades. Also, the exterior walls Lakshman, as well, and other temples in Khajuraho, covered with sculptures depicting mostly people in very explicit poses and sex scenes.

The main attraction of the shrine and temple Lakshman is a three-headed sculpture and four arms of Vishnu. Central head of the statue - the human, the other two - the boar and lion.

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