   Photo: The Island

Quite interesting from a tourist point of view of town called The island is located at the foot of the Ore Mountains. Maybe you heard about it in connection with a reference to the company's headquarters, which produced trolley mark "Skoda". However, the plant where the collected urban transport, get out of here a long time.

For the first time in written sources mention the town in 1224. The oldest building of the city is the Church of St. James, which is located at the local cemetery. It was founded in the first quarter of the XIII century and has survived in pristine condition. At the moment, it is one of the most famous Romanesque churches of the Czech state. Interestingly, in its domestic interiors preserved canvases dating from the time of its construction.

The local castle was built much later - at the end of the XV century. And, as things like that, earlier, for its construction it was used by the foundation of an older building. The castle was built on the orders of the family silver magnate Schlick. After the Thirty Years War, he went bankrupt and lost almost all of its property. The local castle was taken over by the Duke-Lauenburgskogo Sasco, who rebuilt the castle according to their own taste and ordered to break gorgeous garden, which in those days was considered one of the wonders of the world. What is just not there! The park was laid out in the Italian style and is decorated with artificial reservoirs, magnificent fountains and elegant sculptures. In the XIX century it was altered, removed gazebos and sculptures. Do not give up a walk in the park, let your imagination tell you how everything was arranged many years ago.

Another famous town house - a villa, where the Russian heir to the throne Alexei Petrovich met his future wife.

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