Semyachiksky estuary
   Photo: Estuary Semyachiksky

One and natural sights of the Kamchatka Peninsula is a picturesque Semyachiksky estuary, which is located at the southern border of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, near the village of Zhupanova.

The total area of ​​this well-warmed, shallow body of water is more than 780 hectares. Semyachiksky estuary was formed under the influence of streams Kronotsky Gulf and several rivers.

The pond is filled with thermal waters, as well looked tidal currents. During low tide opened large areas of shallow water, which are rich in food habitats of many species of waterbirds. Extensive swampy shores of the estuary - a great place for nesting birds. Here nesting birds such as the Kamchatka tern, river gulls and terns, various species of ducks, sandpipers and many other wetland birds. Spring is in the rest stop about 10 thousand. Species of birds, and in the fall of more than 14 thousand. In the basin of the reservoir is up to 1250 individuals wintering waterfowl.

The moderate temperature of the water and its favorable chemical composition contributed to the formation of different biological organisms. Due to thermal springs, the banks of the estuary for a year filled with diverse populations of mollusks and insects.

Semyachiksky estuary is one of the most important wetlands that are of national importance. As part of the reserve, water is considered to be areas of special scientific value.

Semyachiksky estuary - a winning place for spawning salmon: Dolly Varden and kunja. It also come saffron cod and smelt. Huge quantities of fish attracts many fish-eating birds and animals, such as otters and bears, Steller's sea eagle, a fox. In autumn and winter at the mouth of the estuary Semyachikskogo make their rookeries spotted seals. On the lip that separates the estuary from the sea, lies the whole berry field - Sweet paradise for bears.

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