St. George's Cathedral
   Photo: St. George Cathedral

St. George Cathedral "for the top" in Kaluga stands on Bauman Street. It was built in 1701 Zemsky headman IK Korobov. The name of this temple is due to its location. At the local peasant dialect "top" designated ravine. So "for the top" meaning "of the ravine."

Temple - a two-storey, with belfry. Even from a distance it attracts attention with its slim proportions and elegant architectural details. The building was built in the spirit of temple architecture in the style of "Moscow baroque".

Almost completely preserved body and the exterior finish of the temple. The temple is crowned with five domes. His height - about 43 m, length - 32 m, on the sides of the second floor galleries, which are arranged in four Romanesque arches. Initially, the galleries were open, but at the end of 1776 they covered the roof, which is supported on each side of quadrilateral five columns. After the war, fully glazed gallery. On both sides of the gallery on the second floor and the stairs are. The walls of the upper church exterior decorated with crosses. The temple has a hipped roof with five domes.

Altar of St. George's Church has a three-part traditional division. Door trim is made in Russian style. On the first floor there are three altars: the main - in honor of St. George the Victorious, the north - in honor of John the Baptist, the south - in honor of the icon "Soothe My Sorrows."

On the top floor of the temple is a chapel - in honor of the Exaltation of the Cross. The temple, located on the second floor, was painted in 1766-1767 gg. The lower church would sign at the beginning of the 20th century. The refectory of the lower church is painted in 1999. The iconostasis in the upper church consists of five stages and relates to the 1770-80 biennium. His ceiling carvings - in the style of Moscow baroque.

Three-tiered bell tower of St. George's Cathedral bushel carries an octagonal ring, which culminates in a high-top tent. The lower tier reinforced buttress, which gives the architecture of the building view of the ramparts.

In the period from 1926 to 1999. St. George's Cathedral was the cathedral. In the period 1934-1937. in the cathedral served as a future martyr Augustine (Belyaev). Thanks to Bishop Augustine St. George's Cathedral continued his spiritual life. Master Augustine was shot in 1937. Along with him were arrested and the other priests of the cathedral, many of whom were later executed. But the service in St. George's Cathedral lasted until 1940 then the cathedral was closed for a short while, but in the same year was again open.

Currently, the St. George's Cathedral is the miracle-working icon of Our Lady of Kaluga, which is the main shrine of the Kaluga land. The lower church is especially venerated: the icon "Soothe My Sorrows" (which was written specially commissioned merchant Sysoev, who miraculously healed in Konigsberg), the icon of the Savior, the icon of St. Nicholas, icons Great Martyr George, the holy martyrs Guria, Samonas and Aviv Great Paraskeva. In the upper church of Jerusalem is revered icon of the Mother of God (1740, painter Simon Faleev).

Since 1960, St. George's Cathedral is an architectural monument of national importance.

In May 1999 he was consecrated the cross, which is dedicated to the memory of all who worked in the diocese of Kaluga, standing near St. George's Cathedral. After 1999, when it was restored Holy Trinity Cathedral, St. George temple ceased to be a cathedral, but retained the status of a cathedral. At the cathedral in 1990 a Sunday school, which became the first in the Kaluga diocese (until 1918 at the church existed parochial school, which is located next to the cathedral).

At the end of the 19th century. during the visit of Kaluga in the Cathedral of St. John of Kronstadt he had service. In memory of this event at the altar of St. George's Cathedral a memorial bronze plaque. In St. George's Cathedral also committed service: Patriarch of Moscow Alexy II, Metropolitan Washington Theodosius, Patriarch of Alexandria Parfeny III.

In 2007, St. George's church was transferred to the ownership of the Kaluga diocese.

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