Church of the Ascension (Augusta Victoria Complex)
   Photo: Church of the Ascension (Augusta Victoria Complex)

Lutheran Church of the Ascension on the north slope of the Mount of Olives - part of a large complex of Augusta Victoria, including a hospital. Most often, the whole complex called - "Augusta Victoria". This is the name of the wife of the last German Kaiser Wilhelm II: and the hospital, and the church was founded here after a visit to Jerusalem, the imperial couple in 1898 and named in honor of the Empress.

Kaiser and his wife wanted to build on the Mount of Olives (according to legend, this is where Jesus ascended to heaven), a guest house, a hospital and a church for Christian pilgrims. The work was entrusted to Robert Leibnitz, who was inspired by the architecture of the German medieval castles. Money for construction were collected throughout Germany, contributors were awarded special prizes instituted - Cross the Mount of Olives.

The complex, completed in 1910, has become not only a prominent architectural monument, but also the first building in Jerusalem with electric lighting (it worked on a diesel generator). During the First World War, and the hospital was a hospital and headquarters (the Turkish command, the German, and after the arrival of British troops - General Allenby). After the Arab-Israeli war years 1947-1949 here was located a hospital for soldiers of the Arab Legion. During the Six Day War in 1967, the complex was in an area where there was fighting, - within its walls you can still see the Jordanian stone bunker.

Now "Augusta Victoria" - a peaceful place: the hospital among the olive trees, serving the Arab population of East Jerusalem, offices and a church.

The building in the neo-Byzantine style, noted the huge (height 65 meters) a powerful bell tower - in the heavenly Jerusalem the line it is one of the defining verticals. The Church is guarded by statues of eagles harsh with folded wings, symbolizing the German empire. Inside, at the entrance, historical items on display: the Bible with an inscription made by the hand of Empress Augusta Victoria, and tools used in the ceremony of laying.

The magnificent interior of the church is richly decorated with mosaics, marble and paintings. Luxury mosaic on the ceiling of the nave depicts Christ Pantocrator on a throne, surrounded by archangels, the apostles and evangelists. The choir seen double portrait of William II and Augusta Victoria, who are holding the layout of the Church of the Ascension.

Be sure to have to climb the bell tower: it opens with the most beautiful panoramic views of Jerusalem and its environs, including the Judean desert. The elevator did not always work, but stairs comfortable, you can relax on the grounds near the exhibition stands and showcases telling the story of the church and the whole complex. The observation deck at the top withdrawn grids, but they have small windows to photograph.

The tower is remarkable, and brought from Hamburg's huge bell (the largest weighs six tons). To transport them from Jaffa to Jerusalem had to specifically expand the road, and in some places to build it anew. It cost twice as much as the bells service from Hamburg to Jaffa.

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