Archaeological Park 'Ophelia'
   Photo: Archaeological Park 'Ophelia'

Archaeological Park 'Ophelia' must visit to see how Jerusalem looked like in the days of the earthly mission of Jesus Christ, is almost on the eve of the city's destruction by the Romans.

The park is near the Dung (Dung) Gate in the southern wall of the Old City. In ancient times there was a hill of Ophel (the name means "rise, hill"), repeatedly mentioned in the Old Testament. When King Solomon sryli hill, the terrain began to build up.

Before entering the park, it makes sense to look into being immediately Davidson Center - a museum in the basement of the Umayyad palace excavated by archaeologists. To create a center for donations of American businessman, one of the world's largest manufacturers of automotive glass William Davidson. The local exhibition with objects of virtual reality - one of the most technologically advanced in Jerusalem. You can "like" on a grand Second Temple, renovated by Herod the Great - a convincing visualization created with scientific precision.

No less interesting is the real center of the exhibits. Here exhibited the oldest written document of Jerusalem - a tiny piece of baked clay with Akkadian cuneiform, presumably the XIV century BC. e. In the ruins of the palace of the Umayyads had found a Roman stone pillar carved with the name of Vespasian Caesar, conqueror of Jerusalem, with mention of the Tenth Roman Legion stormed a great city in the year 70.

Real archaeological park near the center of Davidson - a paradise for anyone interested in the history of the Holy Land. Here in abundance the remains of the Second Temple era buildings, including stone arches, which were mentioned in the Scriptures shops temple merchants.

In those days every Jew had to regularly bring in the temple sacrifices. Cash donations made by a special coin ("sanctuary"). During religious festivals, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims flock to the shrine, near which were brisk trade in sacrificial animals and doves, money exchange. It is in this day, Jesus "cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them; written - My house shall be called a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves "(Matthew 21: 12-13).

Monumental steps lead up to the Temple Mount, to trёharochnym laid down masonry, Hulda gate - they were named after the Jerusalem prophetess, predicted the punishment the people of Israel. Most of the stages are reconstructed, but there were ancient - it is likely that it took place at Christ. Immediately - set of residues mikvahs (ritual bath to wash in front of the Temple). Archaeologists have unearthed a well-preserved and the house of the Byzantine era VI-VII centuries, with plastered walls and mosaic floors.

Tourists walk on a specially paved stairs and ramps from which easily explore the ruins. Maintain a high tower, built by the Crusaders as an observation - it is possible to climb out of here perfectly visible Kidron Valley, Mount of Olives, the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

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