Jermuk waterfall
   Photo: Waterfall Jermuk

Jermuk waterfall - one of the striking natural attractions of Armenia. It is located at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level near the town of Jermuk in Vayots Dzor Marz. Waterfall, reaching a height of 68 meters, is the second highest in the country, behind only Kasahskomu.

According to legend, a long time ago on a cliff top castle it was a local nobleman, who had a very beautiful daughter. Many noble young men asked for her hand, but she denied everything, because the will of fate fell in love with a poor but handsome son of a shepherd. Every night she descended from her window in the gorge rope to her lover could meet her. My father once having learned about it, very angry, and said that if she had time to meet with him, then turns into a mermaid and not be able to never leave the water. The daughter did not listen to his father and the night without a rope, she went down into the valley her long hair. Then his father's prophecy came true - she became a mermaid, and her hair flows down water from the rock. Since then, the people of this waterfall is called the "Maiden's braids" or "waterfall Mermaid".

Because Jermuk waterfall is surrounded by a beautiful natural landscape of the southern slopes of the Vardenis ridge, it is very popular among tourists. Water falling from a height of powerful threads, created at the bottom of a huge amount of white foam and forms a cloud of spray. This is an amazing natural phenomenon fascinates with its beauty.

In addition, the Falls has long been famous for its healing properties. The high-quality mineral water from these sources contain a variety of chemical elements that are beneficial to the human body.

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