Amberskaya Fortress
   Photo: Fortress Amberskaya

Amberskaya fortress or Amber Fort, was built in the 16th century for Raja Man Sigh I. But the final construction was completed only after his death, his successor Jai Singh I.

Fort is located on the top of a hill, at a distance of 11km from the city of Jaipur, and is surrounded by a solid wall, which stretches for many kilometers. The area around is hilly and covered sufficiently dense vegetation, which was an added plus in the defense.

This building combines strength and impregnable fortress with subtlety and charm of this architectural masterpiece, which is clearly visible influence of Muslim culture. Amber Fort is divided into four main parts, each of which has its own entrance and courtyard. The main entrance is located in the eastern part of the fortress, for which he received the title of "Gate of the Sun". It was intended for the ruler himself and the nobility. The entrance leads to the courtyard, where Raja held views of his personal guard. There was also a place for horses, room bodyguards were on the floor above. From this courtyard you can enter the temple strength of Devi, which until 1980 sacrifices to the goddess Kali.

The second courtyard is a large room with a double row of columns. It was intended for meetings where people can make requests or statements to the rajah.

The third part of the fortress was reserved for the royal chambers, which can be accessed through the "Gate of Ganesha." This place is the most replete with all sorts of curiosities that attract tourists. Here you can see the Hall of thousands of mirrors "magic flower" and many other attractions.

The fourth part is fully owned by women Raja, his wives and concubines.

Getting from Jaipur to the foot of the fortress by bus. Next, a very popular means of transportation are elephants, mahouts who will be happy to provide a price for its painted pet at your disposal.

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