New Jerusalem Monastery
   Photo: New Jerusalem Monastery

New Jerusalem Monastery is located on the outskirts of Istria, it is a historical monument of national importance. Monastery with Voskresensky Cathedral, the prototype of which was the temple of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, was built in the seventeenth century, at the insistence of Patriarch Nikon. Now a part of the historic complex includes the park, museum of wooden architecture, historical, architectural and artistic. There is also a source of spring water, which is credited with medicinal properties.

Cathedral complex - Resurrection Cathedral with underground Constantine and Helen Church and bell tower - was over to 1685g. But in less than thirty years, as the stone tent Resurrection Cathedral collapsed, and up to 1761g. grandiose building was restored and partly rebuilt by Rastrelli project and led K.I.Blanka. After that, the cathedral acquired traits not only in Moscow but also Western European Baroque.

In 1690g. under the guidance of the architect Jacob Bukhvostova begins construction of a stone fortress wall with Gate Church Entry into Jerusalem in the Moscow baroque style. The works lasted until 1697. In 1686-1692gg. with funds donated by Princess Tatiana Mikhailovna, in a monastery constructed refectory with the Church of the Nativity. In 1698. a refectory parked and hospital wards with a small church of the Three Saints. Later, at the beginning of the XVIII century, to build on top wards royal palace for the royal family visits on a pilgrimage.

Housing refectory and hospital wards was placed next to the older building erected in the monastery in the 1650s. It was the Chamber 'monastery young "and stone storage. Latest at the end of the XVII century have been transformed into the abbot's quarters. At the same time there is a building next to the chambers of the princess Tatiana M. - a single-storey brick building, standing between the two fraternal contemporary buildings. Chamber (or palace) princess quite modestly decorated in the style of Moscow baroque; the appearance of it, as well as fraternal corps was severely distorted in the XIX century and restored only after World War II, in 1960. Since then and until the XX century, the New Jerusalem remained the royal Bogomolov, the imperial family has provided considerable support to him and come here often.

In terms of the fence of the monastery is an irregular hexagon perimeter of more than a kilometer. In her eight towers, part of which is called the gate of Jerusalem: Damascus, Gethsemane, Zion. The names they received in the XVIII century. All towers are divided covering the floor, the bottom of which is used to take for household needs, and the top - like cells. In the galleries on major holidays - such as Candlemas or Annunciation - committed processions.

Not far from the walls of the New Jerusalem, in the Garden of Gethsemane, on an artificial island in the 1658g. has been put "skit" Patriarch Nikon (otherwise known as the Epiphany of the desert). In 1661g. the building was rebuilt. The result was the highest structure in three floors, a blend of the living quarters of a house church at the top. Crowned its octagonal dome light drum. The hermitage is decorated with polychrome tiles, unfortunately, is not preserved in its entirety.

The walls of the New Jerusalem, in the Garden of Gethsemane, located a small architectural and ethnographic museum, collected the wooden buildings of the suburban villages. Among its exhibits are a chapel, farmhouses, mill.

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