Gregory Church Neokesariysky
   Photo: Gregory Church Neokesariysky

Church Gregory of Neo-Caesarea in Irkutsk - Orthodox church, located in the alley Krasnoflotskaya that in the historical center of the city, in the courtyard of Trinity Church. This is the first Irkutsk temple foundation in the form of a rotunda.

The church was founded in 1802. The author of this architectural monument was made by the famous architect - Anton Losev. Despite the fact that for all time of its existence, the church building was reconstructed several times, preserved in the archives of the original draft. Therefore, today there is a real opportunity to restore the temple to its original shape.

During the XIX century. Gregory Church Neokesariysky subjected to substantial and significant changes. In 1829 and 1830 it was damaged by severe floods that struck Irkutsk. Due to the dilapidated state of the church in 1836 it carried out all the utensils, and sealed up until 1845 In 1879, the shrine got into a zone of Irkutsk terrible fire that destroyed the entire central part of the city. To date, it remained an undated drawing of the temple, has significantly rebuilt and lost the precise composition typical of the architect Antonio Losev.

Currently, the church of Gregory of Neo-Caesarea - a one-storey stone church with a rotunda and four adjoining volumes. The architectural appearance of the church is very well seen the transition from baroque to classicism, as there are elements of both architectural styles. In addition, in some parts of the church can be seen, some elements of the traditional religious architecture of Irkutsk.

Initially, the church was completed with the hemispherical dome cupola. During rework the core vosmilotkovym dome crowned with a small with eight. It has changed a lot and planning structure of the architectural monument. Temple Gregory Neokesariysky is rather modest decoration.

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