Temple Guansyao
   Photo: Temple Guansyao

Guansyao Temple - one of the attractions of the city, is one of the oldest temples of the province. It has long been a place of Buddhist pilgrimage.

Construction of the temple was completed over 1,500 years ago, at the same time, a number of data points to the fact that the temple Guansyao was among China's first Buddhist temples and the date of its foundation is much closer to the IV century before the new era. Thus, according to this theory, the temple was founded long before Guangzhou. In the era of the Han Dynasty temple served as a residence for the king and ruler naneskogo Guangdong.

The temple is a complex of several pavilions, which are built into a single, traditional style of ancient China: the building is decorated with numerous carved wooden elements.

The temple has become well known in the seventh century, when a monk Hui Neng sheltered former sixth patriarch of Zen Buddhist schools. Hair monks were cut off after his death and buried under a Bodhi tree, which meant the highest expression of reverence. On this point today - a pagoda dedicated to monk buried hair (IFAT), and Buddha statues are stored inside, delicately resting in the deep recesses.

It is known that in the XVII century there was a fire, which destroyed all the then existing construction. Those that can be seen today were rebuilt, so visitors to the city and modern Chinese can only guess at first looked like a temple.

Its total area reaches 31,000 square meters and it includes, in addition to the main gate, pagoda Yifat, palaces and Dasyunbaodyan Heavenly King. All together, this forms a coherent and complete architectural ensemble.

In addition to the temple Guansyao can see a huge statue of Buddha with two oldest (of the now extant) Iron Pagoda. They rise on the western and eastern sides of the architectural structure.

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