Church of the Holy Virgin
   Photo: Church of the Holy Virgin

Church of the Holy Virgin in Astrakhan - is one of the sights of the city, which has a long and interesting history.

In 1734 the inhabitants of the settlement appealed to Astrakhan Bishop Hilarion with a request to give them permission to erect a church in honor of the Nativity. Since the settlement was virtually no place that would be suitable for building the temple, it was decided to build it on the hill. When exactly was consecrated the temple is still unknown. But in 1738 he was already here. After some time, the residents of a local settlement had a desire to build a stone church. The ceremonial consecration of the new church took place on the Mount of Christmas 30 December 1759

In 1845 the church was rebuilt on a new plan and a facade with two new side chapels. He was consecrated in October 1845 Rebuilding the temple and the device side chapels were made at the expense of local merchant of the first guild II Plotnikov. He completed the construction of his son - a merchant NI Plotnikov. In 1896, through the efforts of the parish welfare work began on the expansion of the church, completed in 1897. In 1911 the temple was set on a new wooden dome.

In 1923, the church took Renovationists, and in 1938 the Soviet authorities closed it. In the same year the bell tower was demolished. In October 1946, the church was handed over to the Old Believer community Belokrinitskogo agreement, which renamed it the temple of the Holy Virgin.

Today it is difficult to say what kind of a church originally had, because at the end of XIX - early XX century. It was completely rebuilt. It is assumed that the temple was designed in the classical style and is divided into four parts: the temple porch and the altar refectory. On a massive cube-shaped quadrangle housed drum octagon. Rebuilding the church tower crowned with tent top. More air makes the Church the superstructure of the drum and dome in 1911. All of this gets rid of the temple of excessive bulkiness and patterns reminiscent of ancient architecture.

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Church of the Holy Virgin
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