Reserve "Glebovskoe swamp"
   Photo: Reserve "Glebovskoe swamp"

"Glebovskoe swamp" - a regional hydrological reserve, located on the territory of Gatchina, and Luga Tosno district, between the villages of Dubovik, nut and Konechki. The basis for the organization of the reserve was the decision Lenoblispolkoma on March 29, 1976. Initiated by the Botanical Institute of the VL Komarova, Russian Academy of Sciences in order to protect a typical raised bog, which has water conservation and resource value. Reauthorization took place December 26, 1996 decision of the Government of Leningrad region.

Area of ​​the reserve is 14 700 hectares, of which 7, 7 square kilometers located in the territory of Gatchina, 5, 9 square kilometers - Tosnensky 1, 1 sq km area Luga. The length of the bog is 20-22 km on the watershed and Oredezh Tosna. Width - 5-7 km. In the swamp - 5 Lakes, including a fairly large lake Black (600 hectares). From swamp follows 7 streams that flow into the river Oredezh and form a right tributary of the river and Tosna Eglinka. Lakes Wilderness and Black are connected ducts.

The depth of the lake is 3.1 m, the bottom is covered with peat. The vegetation in the lakes is almost there, the coast - many splavinah. Swamp forested weak, furnaces, employed mostly ozerkovymi and ridge-ridge-hollow complexes. Jumpers wetlands sphagnum pine forests separate them from each other. The vegetation consists of abundant heather (east of the swamps, he is not), dwarf birch. The depth of peat is on average 3 to 5 m. The narrow forest belt bordering the swamp presented Kislichnaya and blueberry spruce with a significant admixture of linden, oak, elm. Somewhere across seroolshatniki with goutweed, birch and aspen forests reed grass, which appeared on the site of spruce forests.

The flora of the reserve is represented by 51 views of vascular plants, 10 species of mosses brievyh 13 - sphagnum, 9 species of liverworts and lichens. In the swamp growing cranberries, cloudberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries.

Fauna in general is typical for raised bogs. Here nest golden plover, gray cranes, ptarmigan, black grouse. In the strip of forest adjacent to the swamp, marked birds: long-eared owl, Ural owl, black woodpecker. During migration on the lakes and river stop pochards ducks, gulls, sandpipers. Among the mammals you can meet brown bear, wild boar, elk, fox, wolf, marten. The relative degree high number of hare.

Specially protected objects of the reserve "Glebovskoe swamp" include hydrological complex swamp forest areas with deciduous species, current grouse; rare animal and plant species: ptarmigan, gray crane, golden plover, dwarf birch.

Arming reserve aims to ban or restrict the production of peat, logging (besides health), building areas, the organization of reclamation work, upland game hunting and other economic activities, causing damage or harm natural complexes. Permitted picking berries and mushrooms, excursions for pupils and students, scientific work.

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