Museum-Estate "Suyda"
   Photo: Museum-Estate "Suyda"

Museum-Estate "Suyda" - the former estate of his great-grandfather the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, Abram Petrovich Hannibal. Mysterious person associate of Peter I still haunted by many historians.

In the spring of 1759, AP Hannibal acquired manor Suyda the village and surrounding villages Resurrection Count Apraksin Fedor Alekseevich. There Hannibal gave the main homestead of their possessions, within which they were bought by neighboring elitskie, Kobrin and taitskie land. In Suyda AP Hannibal with the family settled in 1762 after retirement.

In Suyda already had a manor house in the Baroque style, service, regular garden with a pond, the other manor buildings. Abram Petrovich attached great importance to the improvement of his estate. When it is created channels, new mall, built humpbacked bridge, a gazebo, a grotto. Near the road to Kobrin, Suyda River was built a stone mill. It is said that the estate of Hannibal was even a fountain, sundial. But the main attraction was Suyda stone sofa that was cut down a huge boulder in the fortress.

At the time of Hannibal falls heyday of agriculture Suyda. It began to grow potatoes was then considered a rarity, special pride of the estate were greenhouses where they grow peaches, lemons, apricots. Half of all areas of the estate consisted of arable land. Stable yields provided by a special drainage system that drains water from the wetlands.

Abram Petrovich was a zealous parishioner at the church Suyda and cared about her, he at one time was transferred to the temple a few spiritual books.

House Hannibal filled with numerous relics relating to Peter I. The pride of the owner was a library. The manor house burned down in 1897

Suyda Hannibal died in 1781 and was buried in the old cemetery, the grave but subsequently lost. Today, on the supposed site of his burial was set granite stele. Bequest patrimony Hannibal went to his eldest son, Ivan, a well-known military figure of Catherine's time, the founder of the city of Kherson, the hero of the battle of Chesma. Ivan Abramovich has spent most of his time in Suyda, frequent guest of the estate was a famous military leader Suvorov.

On the ground Suyda still legends about the "black squire". Some even believe that their ancestors were present blood Hannibal.

The village of Voskresensk, Hannibal entrance to the estate, connected with the name of the nurse A. Pushkin - all known Arina. Where she was born, hence the tale. And still live here Pestrikova - descendants of her relatives.

The estate Suyda born, spent his childhood and grew Nadezhda Hannibal, the mother of the great poet. Here, in 1796, she was married to a lieutenant SL Pushkin. They lived in this estate and after the wedding. It is not known whether there are here Alexander. According to legend, it is here is the famous Pushkin Lukomorye, and more recently in the manor park on the shore of the pond rose seven hundred oak.

Now Suyda - Museum. It was created in 1986 as a public, but became a state in the year of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the poet. Museum occupied a part of authentic stone buildings from the time of Hannibal - a guest lodge. The main exhibition of the museum shows memorial relics Abram Petrovich and his descendants. It exhibits objects grandfather Pushkin bronze candlestick, books from his library, jewelry box, a silver teaspoon, snuff.

Most of the items donated to the museum Moscow and St. Petersburg descendants of Hannibal, old-timers Suyda, Pushkinists. The pride of the museum - an old towel with lace and the monogram "A." It is said that it belonged to AS Pushkin.

In addition to the lodge in Suyda gannibalovskogo preserved: the stables, the house manager, human, cattle yard, smithy. The real estate is the decoration of the old park, which survived of the swimwear linden alley. Partially preserved Linden, Birch and Fir alley.
Stone sofa of Hannibal, who used to be on the wet meadow, now stands in front of a pond.

In 1990, during the laying of a gas pipeline through the center of the estate, it was discovered the foundation of the old house and numerous relics of the past. Of particular value are among the finds: clay tobacco pipes, fragments of Dutch stove tiles, copper coin in 1766, fragments of china and glassware, cannonball, copper bell road, wrought iron nails. Currently, all these relics transferred to the exposure suydinskogo Museum.

The museum-estate "Suyda" Pushkin celebrations are held each year, often come here descendants of Hannibal.

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