Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Rozhdestveno
   Photo: Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Rozhdestveno

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Christmas - this is the third church built on this spot on the banks of Oredezh.

The first mention of the settlements in these areas relate to 1499 in those days was located here Nikolsko Greznevsky churchyard and the church "St. Nicholas is great." This temple was destroyed in 1583-1590 - the period of the first Swedish occupation. But, according to legend, the church went underground for one night to the shores Oredezh in the Time of Troubles approached the Swedes. This legend has some merit because Rozhdestvenno actually exist karst cavities, and the temple ceremony could go underground.

After the victory in the Northern War, Peter I gave the land to the heir of the throne, Prince Alexei Petrovich. By decree of Tsarevich Alexei in 1713 in a bend Oredezh began construction of the wooden church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary there, where now the old cemetery. September 24, 1713 the church was consecrated.

On the bell tower of the church was set bell cast in 1588. In this church service committed to in 1785, when the center of the village was built a new church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since then, the temple served as a chapel.

After the death of Tsarevich Alexei village passed nieces of Peter I, and then in 1733 the land was transferred to the Palace order. In the period from 1780 to 1797. by decree of Catherine II the village Christmas was a district city. It was while here and there were stone buildings, such as the Gostiny Dvor, district school, government offices, and the new church. But the Emperor Paul I Rozhdestveno city was abolished and the village Christmas with all the land was granted to the hereditary possession of the NE Ephraim, court counselor. When it was formed the village manor complex.

New Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in the middle of the village on the site of the present church consecrated it took place in 1785. But smart green temple with red roof served quite long. In September 1837 in the center of the village it has started a large fire which destroyed the temple.

The construction of a new, third stone church, started only in 1867 during the reign of Alexander III, who "are sensitive to all things Russian." The exterior of the church was dominated by the Byzantine style features. Construction of the temple led the Synodal architect Ivan Iudovich Bulanov. September 9, 1883 the newly built church was consecrated. Finishing the work was carried out until 1886

The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - three altars: the main - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - in the corners with columns, made of white marble; South chapel - dedicated to St. Alexander Nevsky; North chapel - in honor of St. Nicholas. The church has a three-tiered iconostasis. Next to the temple is the marble tomb of the family benefactor Temple IV Rukavishnikova.

Since the construction of the temple in force until then in 1936 the church was closed. During the German occupation in 1941, at the request of local residents Germans who were standing in the village of Rozhdestveno, allowed to open the temple. The Church of the Nativity began to take place of worship. Since then, the parish life here has not stopped, despite the fact that the "Khrushchev" times in the 1960s., There was a tangible threat of closure of the temple.

In 1988, the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia in the Christmas church passed overhaul. And to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the village Christmas in the church were installed new crosses.

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