Sokolski Monastery
   Photo: Sokolski Monastery

Sokolski Monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin located at the river Yantra. At 12 kilometers away is the town of Gabrovo. From the reserve Etara, which is in the vicinity of the monastery, here is the marked trail.

In 1833 Archimandrite Joseph Sokolski, the future first abbot of the monastery, back in Gabrovo with the celibate priest Agapius. They chose to build a new monastery rocky terrace directly at the entrance to the cave Sokolov. The limestone rock was carved first building of the monastery. The first church was built of wood. Next erected a small wooden structure for living servants. The church was consecrated in 1834, Hilarion of Crete. Compound was built on donations from Gabrovo and residents of the surrounding villages.

The building of the church in the form in which it has reached our days, was built in 1834. The decoration, domestic and foreign, performed the priest Paul and his son Nicholas. Their work lasted for several decades and was completed in 1862. Masters tryavninskoy painting school painted the iconostasis. The church contains several valuable icons, one of them the work of Christ Tsokeva - the famous image of the Virgin and Child, which is considered miraculous. In 1968, in the monastery chapel was opened, which is the icon of the famous artist Zacharias Zograf. In the courtyard of the monastery is the Cesme - a fountain with drinking water - authorship of the famous architect Kolyo Ficheto. Scoop from this fountain was created in the Middle Ages.

Sokolski Monastery was a major educational and spiritual center. Here, in a religious school, which opened in 1836, he has worked neophyte Bozveli known writer. Also plays an important role of the monastery and the national liberation movement: in 1865 in the monastery was a detachment of Captain Nikola Dyado, from here in 1876 began an uprising Gabrovo running Tsanko Dyustabanova. During the war between the Ottoman and Russian empires for the liberation of Bulgaria in the walls of the monastery was constructed hospital. The collection of exhibits, telling about this time is stored in the monastery's museum.

Sokolski Monastery in 1959 from a man transformed into a female, since Gabrovo was blown convent. Recently, the holy abode has been completely restored, the restoration of the Monastery of the money received from the Council of Europe.

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