Sanctuary Dazaifu Temmangu
   Photo: Sanctuary Dazaifu Temmangu

Temmangu Dazaifu Shinto shrine was built over the grave of the poet, scholar and politician Sugawara Michizane, who lived in the Heian period, and after the death of the deified and worshiped as the Tenjin - the patron of education.

The area of ​​the sanctuary covers more than 12 square meters. kilometers and includes several buildings. Honden Hall was built in 905, two years after the death of Michizane. Many of the objects appeared in 919 on the initiative of the Fujiwara clan, but were destroyed by fire during the civil war. Many of the buildings that visitors see today shrine date back to the year 1591 and is an important cultural property of Japan. The temple complex also includes two ponds, a bridge, and the treasury. It stores a variety of artifacts, including documents dating back to the Heian period and Edo and has historical significance for both the sanctuary and for Kyushu.

On the territory of the sanctuary grow about 6 thousand plum trees. This is a favorite tree of Michizane, 24 and 25 February there is a festival dedicated to the plum blossom.

Sanctuary in honor of the deity Tenjin are all over Japan. On the eve of the school year in these temples of Japanese students and students turn to god to help in the introductory or final.

Sugawara Michizane lived from 845 903 a year. He was born in a family of Confucian scholars and received an excellent education. His political career began Michizane at the court of Emperor Uda, and then supported his son, who appointed the second Minister of Michizane. Two years later, the scientist was exiled to the island of Kyushu in Dazaifu province as an interim manager. After living in the capital Michizane I could not get used to life in exile and died two years later.

The funeral procession with the remains Michizane stopped on the territory of a Buddhist monastery - the bulls simply refused to pull the wagon forward. This was interpreted as a sign of the last will of the deceased with respect to the place of burial. In 905 was built over the grave of Michizane shrine temple Anrakudzi later. At the beginning of the Meiji period, when the government pursued a policy of separation of Buddhism and Shintoism, the temple became known, Dazaifu Shrine, and after the Second World War was called Daydzayfu Temmangu and became one of the main temples of worship Tenjin.

After the death of his Michizane offenders caught many troubles: fire, death, drought, disease, earthquakes. Trying to appease the spirit of Michizane, he was posthumously promoted to the post and built in China, on the outskirts of Kyoto, a sanctuary in his honor. One hundred years of worship Michizane grew into a cult, because of the tributes in verse he became revered as the patron of literature, and later as a patron of education in general.

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