Souk al-Jumaa, (Friday Market)
   Photo: Souk al-Jumaa, (Friday Market)

Souk al-Jumaa, (Friday Market) - this is the most popular market in Fujairah and Sharjah emirates. It is located near the city of Masafi. Name of the market occurred because he had previously worked only on Fridays. Today, the market is open seven days a week.

According to his style Souk al-Jumaa, very much like the traditional bazaars, which became known worldwide for films and books. Here you can buy everything. The market has a large number of various shops, where Arabs traded goods of local production: a great souvenir, ceramics, pottery, carpets, etc. amazing. The stores sell house plants, flowers, exotic fruits and vegetables.

Here you can find the most unusual and refined products, such as unusual piggy bank, ceramic dens for incense, colorful vases, all kinds of dishes, a variety of vessels by local artisans, jewelry, pearls and precious stones, knives, original watches, delicious fish, lots of sweets and many other objects of national culture. Of course, one can not ignore the great plain and painted, woolen and silk, Arab, Iranian, Indian and Afghan carpets of different sizes, shapes and colors, woven by talented craftswomen. To buy these rugs tourists come here from all over the world. Ironically, in the Souk al-Jumaa, you can buy even donkeys and camels. And it is not the whole list of products presented at this bazaar. Another feature of the Friday market are low prices.

Life on the market in full swing in the morning, traders vying tout their wares and shoppers haggling, trying to get them for yourself at affordable prices. Selling or buying the market Souk al-Jumaa, - is an art that can bring a lot of fun.

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