Historical Museum Silistra
   Photo: Historical Museum Silistra

Silistra Historical Museum - a chronology of the Bulgarian town in the northeastern part of the country. Silistra is located on the border with Romania on the Danube. The city is located 430 kilometers north-east of Sofia and 140 kilometers north-west of Varna.

Silistra founded by the Romans, the original name of the settlement was Durostorum. The first mention of it dates to the beginning of the 2nd century BC. In Durostore birthplace of the famous general Flavius ​​Aetius. Silistra Kiev prince Svyatoslav took in 969. Also, the city has repeatedly been taken Russian in Russian-Turkish wars.

Silistra January 11, 1899 opened one of the first museums in the country, which was the development of the Bulgarian museum work.

The museum presents two exhibitions: archaeological and ethnographical. Ethnographic exhibits occupied 300 sq.m. and they show the culture and life of the surrounding area of ​​Silistra and culture Dobrogea middle of the 19th - early 20th centuries. This exhibition presents costumes, original tools, masks "Breza" Wear winter rite, which was to ensure the health and fertility, as well as masks Mummer (local entertainers).

Archaeological exhibition occupied 400 sqm in a family house built in the early 20th century. Presented prehistoric monuments, ancient times and the Middle Ages. There are exhibited, for example, the Roman stone sun clock, helmet-mask with griffons in the same period, the chariot of the Roman magistrate of the 3rd century, the column, which bears the name of Khan Omurtag and the largest collection of crosses tenth - thirteenth centuries.

In 1942, archaeologists unearthed in Silistra ornate Roman tomb with wall paintings dating from the 4th century BC. e.

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