Fortress Medzhidi-Tabia
   Photo: Fortress Medzhidi-Tabia

Medzhidi-Tabia fortress is located south of the town of Silistra. The second title of the fortress, the former Turkish fort - Abdulmecid. Today the castle is the best preserved of the six built by the Turks fortified settlements, of which was fortified, who played an important role in the Crimean War (which lasted from 1853 to 1856), and the Russian-Turkish war, which took place from 1853 to 1856 and 1877 to 1877.

The fortress was built to provide additional strengthening of cities, standing on the bank of the Danube, when he was overseas Ottoman Empire. The idea of ​​the construction of fortifications gave the German military leader ph Helmut von Moltke, who visited the city in 1837.

It builds a fortress from 1841 to 1853 years. With the free labor of three hundred Bulgarians. The main artists were born in the town of Dryanovo and natives Silistra - Main masons. In the same period they were also built Orthodox churches (the first temple of monolithic stone) in Alfatar (Silistra District) in 1846 and in 1847 Kalipetrove.

In 1847, Sultan Abdul Majid, attracted by the construction of the fortress, arrived in the city to check the progress of construction work. It is thanks to his visit the castle and was named Medzhidi. Construction of the fortress was completed on the eve of the Crimean War. The war, which began in 1853 with the Battle of Silistra, the fortress played an important role. We know that LN Tolstoy took part in the battles for Medzhidi-Tabiyu.

Bastions of eight-meter height built in the shape of a hexagon. Next to the walls of the pit was located, which was both an obstacle and a means of camouflage. Fortress Medzhidi-Tabia has retained its interior and exterior completely, which makes it unique in its kind, the time of the Ottoman fortress in Bulgaria.

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