Castle Hohoshtervits
   Photo: Castle Hohoshtervits

Hohoshtervits Castle is considered one of the most impressive medieval castles in Austria. Located on a cliff on vysote160 meters near the town of St. Georgen in the federal state of Carinthia. On a clear day you can see the castle from a distance B30 kilometers.

The first documented mention of the castle belongs to the year 860. While the castle wore the Slovene name "Astorvits." In the 11th century gave way to the archbishop Gebhard of Salzburg castle Sponheym noble family in exchange for their support in solving important problems. A Sponheym granted land Oshtervits family in 1209.

In the 15th century the last of the kind Oshtervits was captured during a Turkish invasion and died in 1476 in prison, leaving no offspring. Thus, after four centuries, 30 May 1478, the castle returned to the possession of the Habsburgs, the Emperor Frederick III. Over the next thirty years, the castle has been hit by numerous Turkish campaigns. October 5, 1509 Emperor Maximilian I gave the castle as bishop of Gurk.

In 1541, King Ferdinand I gave the castle to the Governor of Carinthia Christopher Khevenhiiller. In 1571 Baron Georg Khevenhiiller acquired the castle. He built it for fear of Turkish invasion, has created an arsenal and 14 gates. Such massive fortifications are considered unique in the construction of the citadel. Legend has it that the castle was never conquered.

Since the 16th century, no major changes to strengthen the castle has not been done.

Some parts of the castle open to visitors every year from Easter until the end of October. Tourists are 620 meters way through the 14 gates to the castle. The castle is a museum.

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