Archaeological Park Amazon Stonehenge
   Photo: Archaeological Park Amazon Stonehenge

Amazon Stonehenge Archaeological Park is located in the state of Amapá. Translated from the Portuguese the name means "Solstice". In spring 2006, scientists in this area was found cromlech - a circle of stones (megalithic monument). The diameter of it is 30 meters, the height of the granite stelae - about 4 meters. A similar observatory was discovered in French Guiana. Often in the Amazon Stonehenge cromlech compared with other megalithic monuments found in Europe, Asia and North America. Amazon Stonehenge Monument called "Amazon Stonehenge." Near Cromlechs archaeologists discovered the remains of pottery. After reviewing them, they came to the conclusion that the building can be dated about 1 - 15. n. e.

The blocks that make up the cromlech, set vertically, as identical circles on top of a hill. On December 21, the winter solstice and the shortest day in the northern hemisphere, the shadow of one of the sides disappears. This occurs when it appears directly above the sun. It is the fact that the block is aligned in accordance with the solstice and forced scientists to suggest an astronomical purpose cromlech. The second hypothesis suggests that found cromlech is a temple. Priests, based on the position of the stars, it was carried out in religious rituals.

The excavations in the archaeological park are systematically Amazon Stonehenge. Currently found fossils can neither confirm nor refute the hypothesis of the Observatory.

Now Amazon Stonehenge archaeological park - a very popular place among tourists and historians - amateurs.

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