Girondins Monument
   Photo: Girondins monument

Girondins called several residents of the Gironde department, who have been delegated to the Legislative Assembly of France in 1791. Then it became a party which during the Great French Revolution represented the interests of the provincial bourgeoisie - merchants and industrialists. However, in 1793 the Girondins were excluded from the Convention and prosecuted. Some of them fled the province and there rose in revolt against the Convention, which had been suppressed, and convicted and the remaining in Paris were executed.

The idea of ​​installing a monument to the Girondins Bordeaux belongs Gyuade Julien, a descendant of one of the first of the Girondins - Gyuade lawyer. This idea originated in the 60 years of XIX century, but it was implemented only at the end of the century. In 1881, the city administration has announced a competition, which was attended by three architects - Alphonse Dyumiliatr André Riche and famous sculptor, author of the Statue of Liberty in New York, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The contest winner was not, as the authorities have decided to combine the ideas of all three participants in one project.

Work on the construction of the monument lasted from 1894 to 1902, but remained unfinished monument - originally planned to supplement the composition of the figures of eight deputies from the Gironde, advocated the freedom of the individual and welcomed the revolution. It is not known for what reasons the project was not fully implemented, but in 1989 the monument was a memorial plaque with the names of the first Girondins. Even five years later, the monument was declared a historical monument.

Girondins monument is a fountain in the center of which stands a 50-meter column, topped by a winged Freedom, breaks the shackles. The figure of Liberty made of bronze, and a fountain - the part that was borrowed from the project Bartholdi. The lower part of the tower is surrounded by a sculpture called "Triumph of Concord" and "The Triumph of the Republic", and the image of history and eloquence.

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