Lake Titicaca
   Photo: Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is known throughout the world as the most high navigable lake .  It is located at an altitude of 3810 meters above sea level .  It is located right on the border of Peru and Bolivia, and impresses with its wide spill, stunning scenery and a vast area of ​​water surface, which is 8287 km2 (194 km long, 65 km wide) .  Features of the other lakes Titicaca high salt content in the water .  The name is translated from Indian Lake as a stone puma, because the outlines of the reservoir is really very similar to the animal .  The ancient Inca Lake revered as sacred .  Therefore, there remained a lot of unique architectural monuments and other attractions .  The lake is located the island, each of which has its own history, legend .  The most popular among tourists - Isla Incas, Surikov Isla, Isla Kalahuta, Uros .  Some of the islands are still inhabited .  Here in large numbers grow cane, which is an excellent material for home ground, and floating villages .  Around the lake and on the islands of Indians settled mainly Quechua and Aymara .  They are very hospitable, friendly and open guests .  Throughout sell a variety of souvenirs, and much cheaper than in the city .  In addition, you will probably be allowed to own a boat could move .  Gliding on the water surface of Titicaca, all interesting, but what lies at the bottom of it? And hidden in the depths of water depths many wonderful .  For example, not so long ago it was discovered by an Indian temple .  By the most conservative estimates, more than 1500 years, it .  Around the perimeter, which is 800 meters, the temple is surrounded by a high wall . 

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