Old Residence Alta Hofhaltung
   Photo: old residence Alta Hofhaltung

Alte Hofhaltung old residence located in the historic center of the city of Bamberg. This magnificent building is located on Cathedral Square, not far from the Old Town Hall. In the Middle Ages, this beautiful building has served as the palace of the Emperor Henry II Holy, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire in the X century. At the same time, it was the residence of princes and bishops of Bamberg, which was connected to a special transfer from the city's cathedral.

In 1185 there was a big fire, which resulted in the building was severely damaged and destroyed. Only in the XV century it was decided to restore it completely. This happened during the bishopric of Philip Graf von Henneberg, and at his command began dostraivaniya Palace. Around the building began to build more representative, as well as outbuildings. Work on the reconstruction and restoration of the Residence was completed only in the second half of the XVI century, when the Bishop of Bamberg was Wit II.

The updated Residences Hofhaltung Alta is a large library, the Office, as well as the chapel of St. Andres. The magnificent facade of the palace is now handled directly on Cathedral Square.

Since the last restoration of the building is almost has not changed its appearance, this masterpiece of architectural work and creative thinking is a mixture of intrinsic German Renaissance and late Gothic. "Beautiful Gate" Residence Alta Hofhaltung decorated with beautiful statues Kunigunda Empress and her husband Henry II.

Since 1938, this building is located in the Historical Museum of Bamberg, which holds numerous exhibits of culture and history from the most ancient times. It periodically holds temporary exhibitions of photography, painting and sculpture.

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