Celestine Church
   Photo: Celestine Church

Church Celestines in the form in which it can be seen today, was built in the XV century. Its construction was started in 1396 and was conducted almost a hundred years. Initially, there was a modest wooden chapel built over the burial place of St. Peter of Luxembourg. In honor of this burial was called and the area around the chapel - Place de Saint Corp. (the area of ​​the holy relics).

Peter Luxembourg was known that he had become a high-ranking churchman in his youth - at 15 he was the bishop of Metz, then soon received the title of cardinal, and in 18 years (1387) died of consumption. After his burial in Avignon rumors about the miraculous cardinal's remains, and the monks of the Order of Celestines decided to build over the tomb of the monastery. By the saints Peter Luxembourg was added only in 1527, and before that his relics were honored without official recognition of the sanctity of the Church.

Later, next to the church Celestines chapel was built in honor of another saint - Benezeta, one of the most revered in Avignon. According to local legend, in earthly life was a simple shepherd Benezet, which Christ appeared and told him to build the Avignon bridge across the Rhone. When the inhabitants of the city demanded Benezeta show them their exclusivity and to make any miracle, he carried through the city to the river, and a huge stone has designated them a place to build. Benezet lived in the XII century and was canonized in the XIV century.

Church Celestines had many values ​​- religious works of art and utensils, which at the time of the French Revolution were burned and the church itself was turned into a barracks. Surviving relics Celestines found shelter in other churches of Avignon - for example, the relics of St. Benezeta buried in the church of St. Adeodata.

Currently, the church courtyard becomes the stage at the time of the annual July festival.

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