Peter the Great Oak
   Photo: Peter the Great Oak

Peter the Great Oak which grows in Astrakhan on the street Gen. Gerasimenko is one of the most famous trees planted by the emperor himself. It is noteworthy that the oak tree still bears fruit, despite its age, and the resulting damage caused by a lightning strike. Tree height reaches twelve meters and a trunk girth - five.

Beginning in 1722, under the decree of Peter the Great, in the Astrakhan region, began a mass planting of oak trees. Oak wood is widely used in shipbuilding, with Peter forbidden to build ships clumsy work. The fact that after treatment of a large timber ax turned only two boards, and cut using one could get four or five quality boards.

The palace, where the emperor stayed during his visit to Astrakhan, was built in the beautiful garden city - Zamanovskom. According to legend, Peter spare time joined gardeners and helped them to plant trees. When one of the notable inhabitants of Astrakhan saw Peter for this occupation - a very surprised, what the emperor said to him - "Silly man, do you think, does not survive me up hardened oaks? Yes, I'm not for myself toil, and for the future use of the state!" . Peter dropped a few oaks Zamanovskom in the garden, take care of that was entrusted to Andrei Fedorov.

Today Peter the Great Oak Street General Gerasimenko recognized monument wildlife nationwide importance, after what has been a memorial plaque and the tree itself are under state protection.

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