Astrakhan Museum of the History of Medicine
   Photo: Astrakhan Museum of the History of Medicine

Astrakhan is famous by the fact that this city was the third in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the order of Tsar Peter I was opened by the state pharmacy, is then the center of the billet production of medicines and drugs. This event belongs to the distant 1721.

In the early 90-ies on the initiative of the regional clinical hospital doctors №1 (now - the Alexander and Mary Hospital) in a separate building in the medical complex was opened Museum of the History of Medicine. The museum presents the development of medical research in the south of Russia with the opening period of the first medical institutions (end of the XVIII century) to the present day. The museum is housed in one-storey stone building, built in the classical style by architects KK Domontovich and SI Karyagin in 1912.

The museum presents a unique collection of archeological artifacts health products that relate to the III century BC. A large collection successfully complete detail recreated the interiors of your office doctor and pharmacist, rare vintage prints on medicine, medical instruments and other authentic artifacts late XIX - early XX century. Visitors will find answers to the questions: how were struggling with epidemics in the region, as well as in ancient times than treated, how and where to preparing medical personnel, where to get medical education today as developing medicine Astrakhan and many others. A separate section is devoted to Astrakhan dynasties doctors, medics, who died in the fight against dangerous infections, events related to the cholera epidemic in the Volga region. There is a museum exhibition hall with artifacts, commemorative events in the field of medicine.

By the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan in the Museum of the History of Medicine launched an updated and extended exposure.

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