Bastion Saint-André and the Museum of Archaeology
   Photo: Bastion Saint-André and the Museum of Archaeology

Among the best-known attractions include the remains of Antibes city fortifications erected along the coast. For a long time Antibes was considered the most fortified city on the coast. One such defensive structures, the most impressive was the bastion of Saint-Andre, built on the orders of the famous fortifier and engineer Sebastian Vauban.

Bastion was built in the XVII century. Today, it is a powerful stone building located in the historical center of Antibes, it is possible to walk along the boardwalk Admiral de Grasse. Since 1963, within the walls of the bastion located Archaeological Museum. On the way to the fortress, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the sea, the Cap d'Antibes and the old part of the city and continue to contemplation is already on the terrace of the museum.

The Museum of Archaeology and History, you can see objects that have been found by researchers during excavations on the territory Antipolis - the ancient city, the site of which grew the modern Antibes, as well as "trophies" numerous underwater expeditions. The exhibition, which is located under the arches of the round stone bastion, presented ceramics, funerary urns, surviving fragments of ancient ships and household items. The greatest attention of visitors attracted to a tombstone from the grave of a young slave, who served as a dancer in ancient antibskom theater. Also in the museum presents treasures found in the sunken ships - amphorae, coins and jewelry. Another interesting exhibit - the reconstruction of a Roman merchant ship.

According to the museum's exhibits can be judged on how the citizens lived in Antibes for almost three millennia.

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