   Photo: Ponttor

Ponttor - one of the two surviving gate towers outer defensive ring of free imperial city of Aachen.

The construction of the gate began simultaneously with the construction of a second fortress wall and ended around 1320. Ponttor performed not only a defensive function. At various times in its history it served as base for the collection of taxes, prison and school premises.

The tower is a rectangular four-storey building with a hipped roof, measuring 18 by 14 meters. Passes inside the fortification fortress are four-meter arched gate, which is adjacent Barbican - additional fortification in front of the tower.

By the end of the 19th century building portal tower so dilapidated that it was decided to demolish it. Fortunately, the verdict has not been implemented. On the contrary, in 1920 Ponttor were restored and transferred to house the city's historical museum exposition.

As a result of the Allied bombing aircraft masonry Ponttor was severely damaged, and the Barbican completely destroyed. Since 1947, a time gate tower was used as a hostel for young people, and later transferred to the "Union of the Rangers Germany." In 1973, the Barbican has been re-built and Ponttor completely renovated and appear to us in its original form.

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