Park Kaiser Friedrich
   Photo: Park Kaiser Friedrich

Kaiser Friedrich Park was conceived as one of the parts of the complex, built in 1908-1910 years. It is interesting that for the time the project was very expensive, the total budget for the construction amounted to more than 180 thousand marks. The park - a 13 hectare well-planned areas, including not only greenery, but also monuments, areas for recreation, lake.

Construction concept immediately meant that the park would be used for a wide range of visitors, so the tracks are divided so that strolling did not feel crowded. For water lovers there are boat trips, it attracts the park romantic couple in love. Almost the entire territory of the park occupied by deciduous trees, and only in the southeast grows small pine array. Almost in the center of the park is a picturesque lake Hangevayer measuring 160 m long and 80 m wide, into which the river flows into the city Paubah. For outdoor enthusiasts have the opportunity to play a game or two on the tennis courts. And I come here a big company has the opportunity to play a couple of games on the basketball court.

Despite the fact that the park has experienced two terrible wars, its original form it is preserved. Today it is a favorite vacation spot of the townspeople and visitors who come to Aachen. In 1977, in a park with a monument to the Kaiser Friedrich, thereby setting an invisible bridge between the idea of ​​creation of the park and its embodiment in practice.

Hungry, you can dine in the cafe, located in the park, or sit in the shade of a tree on the lawn, eat sandwiches, take with you.

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